I really do love you.” “And I really love you too Tom” She replied. “However, I’m also extremely hot for you right now”. She whispered seductively. What I had managed to get down to a semi immediately shot back up. “Well that’s a coincidence” I replied. “Because I have been hot for you since I saw that perfect body of yours a few minutes ago.” “Yeah I can tell” She giggled as she had been slowly stroking her hand down my body and had just succeeded in wrapping her hand around my throbbing shaft. “Wow” She exclaimed. “You’re pretty big Tom”. I turned scarlet red. “Er, thanks” I giggled nervously. She began slowly stroking up my shaft through my boxers and I let out a low moan. “Oh my god that feels amazing Kath” I whispered. “Well you were so unselfish Tom allowing me to have all the pleasure I just have to return the favour” She whispered back. “So just lay back and enjoy okay?” She stopped momentarily to discard her top. “Yeah, I noticed you quite liked these” She giggled as she. I'd never had my brother's child. Stefani kept pressing me, but I wasn't sure I wanted to be a mother. Clint never pressured me.“Hey, Yunie,” a bright voice said.I turned and smiled at my girlfriend. She called me Yunie because of my unicorn tattoo I had on my pudenda. “Hey, Dandi.” Stefani grinned at me. She had a dandelion tattoo. Her bright-red hair spilled about her face. Her green eyes burned. “So? Did your pussy melt your brother's heart?”I snorted. “He said yes. More massaging time for us.”“Hot,” Stefani said as I nodded, glancing back out the window at the little rugrats running around the backyard.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~A week later, the Lady's Touch Massage Parlor was open for business.I arrived with Stefani, eager to do this. The remodeling was done. It looked classy inside the waiting room. Lee was sitting at the receptionist desk. We made her wear a dress. I was pretty certain she had a remote controlled vibrator or butt plug in her, something my brother could.
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